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Who we are & what we do


The association is a non-profit association that is independent, religiously and politically independent. The purpose is to work for a greater awareness and acceptance for LGBTQIA + people in Varberg, through knowledge, conversations and events work against homophobia and transphobia.

Pride fest i Varberg. Pojke på skateboard.
Pridefest i Varberg. Människor i pridefärger


An activity free from prejudice, the climate must be open and all questions and ideas must be welcome for discussion. The aim is to create a platform for LGBTQIA + people and other people who want to create greater transparency and try to break down the heteronorm. The association's activities aim to prevent all forms of discrimination.

Pridefest i Varberg. Gatorna fulla av prideflaggor
Pride fest i Varberg. Pojke på skateboard.

Value words






Styrelsen ProLove 2024

Välkommen att höra av dig om du har några frågor eller funderingar! Vi på Pride Varberg har olika ansvarsområden, om du är osäker på vem du ska kontakta är det bara att skicka ett mail till så ser vi till att det når rätt person.

Pride Varberg is a non-profit association that works for the equal value of people, that one should be free to express their gender identity and sexual orientation.


Pride Varberg is a non-profit association that works for the equal value of people, that one should be free to express their gender identity and sexual orientation.

Pride Varberg is a non-profit association that works for the equal value of people, that one should be free to express their gender identity and sexual orientation.

Med stöd från:

Mötesplats på Mittpunkten i Varberg för dig som är HBTQIA+ och allierad 12-19 år

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© 2021 by Pride Varberg

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